Thursday, June 3, 2010

FFF Diva Operation Boot Camp Advice: "Food for Thought: Apples"

Did You Know......

Over 2500 varieties grown nationally. Only 100 varieties for commercial sale

Common US states for apples include: Washington, Oregon, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas

Selection - Choose firm, fragrant, shiny, blemish-free skinned fruits. Avoid broken skin, internal browning or shriveled fruits

Storage - the best place to store apples in in the refrigerator crisper. Apples continue to ripen after harvest. Apples ripen 5-6 times faster at room temperature than they do in the refrigerator.

Health Benefits - Good source of fiber (4 - 5 grams per apple with skin). they are one of the best food sources of pectin, a soluble fiber which can help lower cholesterol. 22 grams of carbohydrate per 1 medium apple (80 calories). Provides 12% of your daily potassium needs. Fat, cholesterol, and sodium free. An excellent source of quercetin, a disease-fighting phytochemical.

Peak Season - August - November

Fun Facts - The average consumer eats 45.5 pounds of apples a year. Half of the apple crop in the U.S. is procesed into apple products such as apple sauce, apple pie filling, jams, jellies and juice.

Think of apples as your new "Fast Food". No campers an appletini is not the same thing!!!

Have a Wonderful Day,

Lisa Daniels, RD

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